A North Yorkshire

St Oswald’s Farnham

Parish Meeting Agenda

3) Approval of Accounting Statements

The details Accounting Statements are shown above.

Grass cutting costs were slightly lower than last year because there was one

less village grass cut. The NYCC grass cutting grant was the same as last

year. HBC no longer pays grants for ground maintenance. No clock service

was required during the year. Reserves are maintained for future clock

services, potential increases in grass cutting cost, for costs that may arise in

advance of the related grant, and a contribution towards a reserve for traffic

calming measures that may be adopted in future. At its last Meeting the

Parish approved a request for a precept of £1700 for 2021/22 (no change

from this year). The Chairman must sign and date the Accounting Statements

at the Meeting, after they have been formally approved by resolution.

4) Law and Regulation

The Meeting is not required to have an external audit of the Accounting

Statements as both its income and expenditure are below £25,000 for the

year, but will continue to make the accounts, together with the Annual

Governance Statement, Notice of Public Right to review the books, Meeting

agendas and minutes available on both the village notice board and website.

The Meeting must formally agree the exemption and authorise the Chairman

to sign the completed exemption form.

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